

Develop your business with the power of design.

Design Information Incorporated (DIINC.) provides a variety of design and marketing services that support dynamic business development.

We plan, design, and implement various surveys, including on-site surveys, questionnaire surveys, data analysis, and Internet surveys, and prepare reports. We also respond to overseas market research.

We design brand elements such as naming, logos, colors, and catch-phrases that show the characteristics of your business. We also provide consultation on trademarks and other rights.

We handle planning, coordination of performers and studios, filming, audio recording, and editing. We also produce computer graphics and foreign language versions, and publish them on DVD packages and the Internet.

We handle everything from setting up servers, planning and designing homepages, creating designs, SEO measures, and maintenance. We are also introducing a payment system, making it multilingual, and managing online advertising.

Business cards, postcards, and posters are planned, photographed, designed, printed and processed, and newspaper inserts and postings are placed. It is also possible to create and install Noren and outdoor signboards.